We are pleased to be expanding our network of agents around the world. As our brand develops and the sales of our award winning dust control systems grow there is a need for international representatives.
This year we have already forged partnerships with companies in Europe and South America.
Our new agent in Germany is PROGRA, a company that specializes in sales of grain processing equipment to German, Swiss and Austrian businesses. This position makes PROGRA a perfect partner for Mideco, as our internationally patented dust suppression device, Burnley Baffles®, has been designed specifically with the grain industry in mind.
While the system can be customized for any dry granular bulk raw product, the grain processing model is our cheapest and the most common. It reduces dust by 75% on its own, is easy to install and virtually maintenance free. It reduces your overall project costs as it eliminated the need for expensive dust collectors. You can read more about the Burnley Baffles™ here.
We’ll be also developing our client base in South America, where silicosis is one of the most common occupational diseases. In Chile and Peru we have partnered up with ROST, a company with over 20 years of experience in providing industrial solutions to businesses. Roberto Munizago N, the director of ROST, believes there is a strong need for PPE in the country and will be liaising with local mining companies re Bat Booth® sales. Chile is committed to fighting the occupational lung diseases and recently has re-launched the National Plan for Eradication of Silicosis.
We are excited about new partnerships and look forward to successful projects together in 2019 and beyond.
Phone: +49 034498 80 2670
Phone: +49 0178 30 43 667
Email: ost@getreide-reiniger.de
Altpoderschauer Str.2
04617 Kriebitzsch