The SKM Services Pty Ltd and Glass Recovery Services Pty Ltd, operated together within the corporate group, SKM Group. The SKM Group provides various local councils with recycled waste processing services through recovery facilities located in Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales.


SKM were installing a major new plant at Coolaroo, the project was more than 80% complete when they realized, they had not attended to the Bag Houses in any way. They had also commenced with work at Wingfield and no attention had been given to the Bag House. They had 8 weeks to install 2 dust collectors that had been totally overlooked.

Solution and outcome

An appropriate air filter for both projects were our standard model TP204-11-6, Tubular Pulse.
The Mideco Tubular Pulse range of duct collectors is designed with the help of our maintenance department and the input of our customers. The primary design criteria were ease of maintenance inclusive of all the occupational health and safety issues, and then being able to use even a non-qualified labour to perform any given task.

The design of this Tubular Pulse includes:

  • a single fixed maintenance platform on top of the unit designed to AS1657 – 2013.
  • The manifold and pulse system are inside the handrails for ease of access to maintain.
  • The pulse timer is inclusive of a transformer to step the power down to 24VDC thus allowing any labour to attend to the pulse system when required.
  • The filter bags are fastened into the laser cut cell plate using spring stainless steel “Snap Cuff” tubular bags.
  • There is a door in the hopper immediately above the discharge point. This allows for re-bagging the filter and keeping the dust in the dirty air chamber below the maintenance person. Where a rotary valve is fitted this also allows for easy access to its in-feed side should a blockage occur.
  • The case of the filter is galvanized steel sheet so the filter is protected both inside and out permanently.
  • The filtering efficiency of the filter is 99.9% down to 0.5microns
  • 100% Australian Made

They contacted Mideco and 8 weeks later the two bag houses were delivered.