
Perilya is an Australian base and precious metals mining and exploration company which owns and operates the iconic Southern Operations zinc, lead and silver mine in Broken Hill New South Wales, the Potosi/Silver Peak zinc, lead, silver mine in Broken Hill and the Cerro de Maimón Copper, Gold and Silver mine in the Dominican Republic. Perilya’s exploration and development interests include projects throughout Australia, the Dominican Republic, Quebec Canada and in the state of Sabah in Malaysia.


(2010) Lead concentrate export facility. Concentrate is dumped out of trucks in the shed, then placed on stockpiles and stored until a ship is in port. Then the product is loaded onto ships by means of FEL’s, hoppers and conveyor belts. Each process released dust.


2 x Mideco 45A & 1 x Mideco 6A Dust collectors all with After Filters.


  • Total flow for 2 filters, 175,000 m³/h for Shed Ventilation and Hoppers + 8,120 m³/h for Materials Handling.
  • Emissions of less than or equal to 0.5 micrograms of dust per cubic meter of air released into the atmosphere