
Hanson is a leader in building and construction materials with an extensive production and logistics network across Australia and is included in Heidelberg Cement Group, which employs over 59,000 people across five continents. Heidelberg Cement is a global leader in aggregates and has leading positions in cement, concrete and heavy building products.
Hason’s focus on quality underpins everything that they do which extends to providing safe working environment for their staff. The company believes that the safest projects are the most successful ones, a belief that Mideco shares.


While Hanson already has a comprehensive safety program in place, the company continuously reviews and improves their approach to occupational health and safety, which is why Hanson contacted Mideco Jia to order our Bat Booths and have them installed at Glasshouse, Nerang, Ferny Grove and Hanson Wolffdene quarries.


In 2018 four units of our Bat Booths were made and installed at Glasshouse, Nerang, Ferny Grove and Hanson Wolffdene quarries.
Hanson recognises the importance of reducing respiratory risks, especially silica that’s associated with cement manufacturing. We are pleased to be helping the company maintain its commitment to safety and ensure their staff is adequately protected.


After the used of the Bat Booth®:

Mideco is pleased to be a part of Hanson Cement’s commitment to occupational health and safety with four Bat Booth® now installed at company’s quarries.