
BIS is a resources logistics company that handles, hauls and processes millions of tonnes of raw materials and commodities every year, for customers across Australia and Indonesia.


Hazardous dust around multiple processes was creating an unsafe environment for personnel who were constantly exposure to it and were often transporting it. They reached out to Mideco in search of a solution.

Solution and outcome

Mideco have developed a Quick, Safe and Effective clothes cleaning method, whereby workers at various processing operations can clean their dust soiled clothing periodically and throughout the workday.
The Mideco Bat Booth (Standard) uses high volumes of low pressure compressed air to safely dislodge dust from the contaminated clothing. This method of cleaning takes only 10-12 seconds and removes up to 88% dust of the workers’ clothes.
The Bat booth works drawing clean air from the fan into the Booth, through louvres mounted high on the side panels, creating a down draft. Simultaneously the dedusting air jets blow the dust off the person’s clothing as they turn around slowly. The compressed air and dust are carried with the clean air to the integrated dust collector.

As a fun fact, BIS in the first company in Western Australia that possesses Mideco’s Bat Booth.
Mideco wants to appreciate the trust that BIS has put on our Products to protect their workers on site.