Mideco prides itself in the design, manufacture, and supply of products for dust control. Our market not only targets Australian companies but goes around the globe. This time Ecuador is being enticed by Mideco’s star product, the Bat Booth® 2.0.

Even though Mideco is under a lockdown in Melbourne, Australia, it has not stopped us from delivering our products around the world. Over the last few months, Mideco has been working on four units of the Bat Booth 2.0, which will be delivered by the end of June 2021 to the mining industry in Ecuador.

Our personnel de-dusting system, the Bat Booth® 2.0 works with low-pressure air to safely clean dust from contaminated clothing. Every worker in the company can use the Bat Booth® 2.0 without restriction, creating a safer environment for the worker and the people around them. Dust inhalation damages the lungs and, in some cases, can kill.
The Bat Booth® 2.0 uses temperature checks to help protect workers from viral infections and heat stress while reducing the risk of dust diseases such as coal workers pneumoconiosis, silicosis, and farmer’s lung. These checks are reported every time that a worker enters into the Bat Booth® to perform the de-dusting process, and the Bat Booth® sends the information; in an event of an occupant with an elevated temperature, it will send a warning message right away to the first responder and it will be shown in the report to the manager through the Bat Portal. The Bat Portal is software configured for each company, in this case, Ecuacorriente S.A. to deliver real-time information. Real-time information allows the prevention of any distress caused by the fore-mentioned viral infections and creates a managed environment of health and safety for employees.

We understand that people want a safe workplace, and businesses also want to provide a healthy environment for their employees, either because they want to or they have to. The Bat Booth® will take care of multiple health responsibility for everyone.

Health and safety management is a concern that Mideco has for employees in many different industries, therefore companies with the same vision are within Mideco’s agent radar, and we are looking forward to future partnerships.

APD Proyectos in Ecuador is a strategic advisory service that was recruited as an agent for Mideco to expand the market and deliver our products internationally, in this case to Ecuador.

APD Proyectos achieved the sale of four units of the Bat Booth® 2.0, with Ecuacorriente S.A. an Ecuadorian company incorporated in 1999, dedicated to mining work in all its phases, and being the only mining company, to date, that has signed the mining exploitation contract and the investment contract with the Ecuadorian State.
Mideco would like to express sincere gratitude to Juan Benalcazar (director of APD Proyectos) for making it a success and to EcuaCorriente S.A. for their trust in our product and our agents.

If you want to know more about Mideco and its products, please visit our website at the following URL: https://midecohse.com