Damn this BLACK hole in the ground
That’s robbed these men of life
Some just boys as young can be
Never knowing love or life
Damn this dust that rots our lungs
And the sickness we endure
And the wealthy lords
Who have grown so fat
On the profits we ensure
But there’s one thing I can promise
And it’s on the lips of men
I’ve done my time here underground
And I’ll nere’ go down again
The power of this nation
Has been driven by the coal
By the toil of generations
sweated down this hole.
This game has come
a long way yet
But still far too many die
For the profits of those
Who never looked us in the eye
So damn you all who let us
Toward a fate you knew
And tho I may no longer be
My words will tell it true
We did our job and payed the price
Tho be our lives so short
Let’s hope there is an afterlife
Where they pay the price
They ought!!
– With Permission,