
Brisbane City Council works with the community to guide the city’s future growth and development in Australia.


For more than 20 years Brisbane City Council (BCC) has monitored and protected Brisbane’s air quality to ensure the health and wellbeing of residents and the environment.
However, they need to make roads and build infrastructure. To do this they have quarries and their processes produce dust which is harmful to their workers. The health and wellbeing of their quarry operators and staff is no less important than their residents.
The dust on their clothes and in turn being inhaled by them was a recognised problem. This needed to be dealt with.
Brisbane is also warm, thus heat related issues are a risk

Solution and outcome:

Thus, BCC wanted to overcome these two risks. The Bat Booth 2.0 Premium was a risk reducer for these.
The Mideco Bat Booth Premium uses high volumes of low pressure compressed air to safely
dislodge dust from the contaminated clothing. Before the cleaning process, a smart medically calibrated infra-red sensor measures the occupant’s temperature in less than half a second and reports it in real time, a red light pops up if the temperature is higher than normal and green if it is within the range (<38°). If the light goes green, meaning the temperature is within the risk-free range, the Bat Booth Premium starts the process drawing clean air into the booth through louvers mounted high on the side panels, creating a down draft. Simultaneously the dedusting air jets blow the dust off the person’s clothing as they turn around slowly. This method of cleaning takes only 10-12 seconds and removes up to 88% dust of the workers’ clothes.

As well as Brisbane City Council, Mideco understand how important a safe workplace is for our workers, and is grateful for them to have put their trust in our products.